“Please note that by proceeding beyond this page, you are accepting the terms outlined in our Internet Library Policy.”
The library endeavours to provide its patrons with the opportunity to use current technology and resources. The library recognizes the internet as a valuable information resource. Illegal activities or inappropriate (e.g., pornography) use of the computers will result in denial of access in the future. Our internet use policy places the responsibility for information access to the internet on the patron. We will not be held responsible for the content or the accuracy of information to patrons. As with other library material, restriction of a child’s access is the responsibility of the parent/legal guardian. Copying information from the internet may be in violation of copyright laws, and doing so is at the discretion of the patron. Fees will be assessed by the library for this service. The Fort Nelson Public Library has also adopted the Canadian Library Association’s Statement on Intellectual Freedom. Please read the Internet Use Rules and the Canadian Library Association’s Statement on Intellectual Freedom.
The resources accessed through the internet complement the library’s print and non-profit collections. Access to public internet stations and Wi-Fi are provided free of charge. The BCLA statement of intellectual freedom applies to internet usage.
- Failure to comply with the internet use policy may result in loss of Wi-Fi, computer use or library privileges.
- The library does not require a patron to hold a library card to access the Wi-Fi, computer or internet services.
- Wi-Fi and computer users must check in with staff.
- Computers are provided on a first-come-first-serve basis. Computer users are limited to 1-hour of computer usage per day.
- Patrons requiring more than the allotted time can speak with staff prior to computer use to make arrangements for extended sessions.
- Patrons aged 12 to 15 must have an FNPL Internet Consent form signed by a parent or guardian before using a public access station. Patrons ages 11 and under are required to have a parent or guardian present in the library for the duration of the child’s use of the public access station.
- Wi-Fi shall be made available to all patrons regardless of age.
- The parent or guardian’s responsible for monitoring children while using Wi-Fi or a computer.
- Hardware and software must only be added by library staff.
- Library staff, at their discretion, may intervene with computer or Wi-Fi use.
- Users are subject to federal, provincial, and municipal legislation. Using Fort Nelson Public Library computers for illegal activities is prohibited.
- Illegal use will be reported to the Library Director and, if deemed necessary, the RCMP.
- Illegal use may result in banning from computer, internet and Wi-Fi usage for a set or indefinite period of time.
- Use of external devices on a public access station requires permission from library staff.