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Summer Reading Club

BC Summer Reading ClubBC Summer Reading Club Logo and link.

The BC Summer Reading Club materials and programs are available online and in public libraries throughout British Columbia. The program’s goal is to engage children ages 5-14 in fun, free summer programming that supports literacy of all types. The program connects children and youth to a range of reading materials, encourages a love of reading, and provides a space for learning.

Summer Reading Club helps learners keep reading and learning over the summer vacation months. This incentive program helps kids build their confidence in reading while having fun and building stronger connections with their public library.

Summer Reading Club (FNPL)

BC Summer Reading Club is a program designed to encourage and incentivize maintaining reading levels over the summer months. Here at the library, we work to make our Summer Reading Club open to all ages by creating unique and creative programming that is engaging. Our staff customizes what the province offers and adapts it to be open for all ages.